Good Shepherd has a very active Women of the Evangelical Church of America (WELCA) group. They focus on spiritual growth, service, and fellowship. All women at Good Shepherd are automatically part of WELCA and are welcome to attend any of the events or activities.
    WELCA takes the lead each year at church for organizing the drive for donations of supplies for Lutheran World Relief kits. Personal care kit supplies (towels, soap, etc.) are gathered in the spring. The kits are put together at a spring brunch event held in late April or early May. School supplies are collected from July through early September. A number of women from church sew cloth school bags to hold the supplies and the supplies are packed in the bags in mid-September either by WELCA members or at a congregational God’s Work, Our Hands event. Over the past several years we have sent hundreds of kits to LWR to help those in need in this country and around the world.
    During the fall, WELCA typically holds a bake sale fundraiser and donations are given to several local charities that focus on children and families. In November each year, WELCA asks women of the church to give a thankoffering and funds collected are sent to the national WELCA office to support national and international efforts.
    A women’s Christmas brunch is held in early December as an opportunity for fellowship for women of Good Shepherd and friends or family members they wish to invite. WELCA also organizes the collection of homemade Christmas cookies which are distributed to our over age 80 church members during the holiday season.
   Contact Nancy Holm if you would like more information about any of the WELCA activities.