Good Shepherd is offering a morning seminar with Fe Anam Avis, author of "PEAK: Parents of Estranged Adult Kids" on Saturday, October 26 from 8-11 AM. Family estrangement in general and parental estrangement in particular is being recognized as an emerging public health problem in our society. Roughly 70 million persons over the age of 18 indicate they are estranged from a family member, and one in eight parent-adult child relationships is estranged. In this seminar, participants will learn both practical skills for making a life-changing difference for estranged parents and coping skills if they themselves are estranged from adult children. $20 covers materials and breakfast. Register using the QR code link or go to our website for more information.
Good Shepherd is offering a morning seminar with Fe Anam Avis, author of "PEAK: Parents of Estranged Adult Kids" on Saturday, October 26 from 8-11 AM. Family estrangement in general and parental estrangement in particular is being recognized as an emerging public health problem in our society. Roughly 70 million persons over the age of 18 indicate they are estranged from a family member, and one in eight parent-adult child relationships is estranged. In this seminar, participants will learn both practical skills for making a life-changing difference for estranged parents and coping skills if they themselves are estranged from adult children. $20 covers materials and breakfast. Register using the QR code link or go to our website for more information.
It might be a bit chilly for early September - but wear a hoodie or coat, bring a blanket, sit in the sun! We're still planning to worship outside tomorrow, Sunday, September 8 at 9 AM. Following worship, stick around and enjoy the beautiful fall-ish weather with refreshments and activities for young and old. See you at church! #elca #champaignurbana
Good Shepherd Youth welcome YOU to explore faith, build friendships, and serve others this fall. Join us Saturday, September 14 at 6 PM for our first meeting of the year. Friends welcome! #elca #champaignurbana #youthgroup
This Sunday, September 8, at GSLC: Join us outside on the front lawn for a casual worship service that includes a back-to-school blessing of the backpacks for anyone K-Ph.D. We'll also dedicate the new gaga ball pit and share communion. As always, our communion table is open to everyone! Bring a chair or use one of ours and plan to stick around for refreshments and activities afterwards! See you at church! #elca #champaignurbana
Back-to-school and backpack blessing will happen during 9 AM worship on Sunday, September 8th. Join us and receive a special tag to put on or in your pack. #elca #champaignurbana #backpackblessing
Sunday School officially starts September 15th! We meet weekly at 10:15 AM, with a Cross+Gen gathering most first Sundays. We offer classes for K-12 and for adults, too!
Register today at:
We can't wait to see everyone who comes to learn and grow with us this year..... Yay! #elca #champaignurbana
Join us on Sunday, September 8th, at 9 AM for outdoor worship on our front lawn! We'll bless backpacks and celebrate communion (all are welcome - always) and welcome back our choir! Bring a chair or use one of ours. See you in church! #elca #champaignurbana #backpackblessing
This Sunday, August 18th, at Good Shepherd: What nourishes us? What gives us strength? Jesus offers the Living Bread and promises that whoever eats of that bread will live forever. How are you nourished and strengthened at God's table? Worship begins at 9 AM in the sanctuary, and, of course, includes Communion. If you are traveling, don't forget about the livestream available on our website. In the afternoon, we'll gather for trivia and fun hosted by our own Fellowship Committee and Joe C. See you in church! #elca #champaignurbana